We Protect Your ASSets

No matter where you are in the World, or the Universe, the greatest assets are those you love and the Peace of Mind that they are Safe in the hands of professionals that will never let to you down or stear you wrong. 
UniLaw offers you those safe hands.

We offer you the Best Advice to plan for the future and take care of the problems of the past, even if that advice is to point you in the direction of other professionals that you can trust to deal with your personal, business or family matters.


Freedom - Integrity - Responsibility - Synergy - Transparency

These have guided us for over 40 years across 3 continents while serving many thousands of clients needing to plan for future development or solve problems they encounter throughout lifes journey, and whilst we can't solve every problem, we always know a man (or woman) that can.

Everything you need,
totally free initial advice

.     Tell us what you need to achieve and we will let you know how to go about it and where to turn for the very best results every time, and of course an idea of the costs involved.

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We create the perfect
tailored solution for you


Confidentiality is assured from the first conversation to the day of successfully completing your mission with us

All in one

Personal planning, Business matters, Family protection, Life and Financial Planning or solutions to problems, we have the answers all under one roof.

Easy to use

In person, online or on the phone, you can communicate with UniLaw in whichever way you prefer

Associated Firms
Years of Service

Our mission

Provide clear and concise legal and financial advices to make your personal and business life more simple, safe and secure.

Our values

The FIRST Principles we have followed since inception keep us above the competitors and keep our cient retention rates beyond any others.

Our team

Composed of real people from many countries speaking multiple language dedicated to matching your needs with the right profressional through our in house and associated business partners

50,000 people, protecting their health, wealth and future happiness with Universal Legal services on 3 continents

Join them and make the right money move.